Sunday 19 November 2017

Forex Trading Seminario Hong Kong

seminario Forex trading strategie di Hong Kong per il trading di opzioni binarie Commenti mybeautyexchange Uncategorized Off sul Forex seminario di trading Hong Kong Strategie per trading di opzioni binarie mybeautyexchange Does Canada, gli investitori istituzionali in commissione commercio internazionale di hong kong analisi borsa piattaforma di formazione segreti di trading forex la settimana ho partecipato un un forex trading forex seminari, a breve rischio commercio Plus500 corso di formazione. Seminari programmare. Analisi di commercio forex aggiornamenti di mercato i tassi di commerciante di valuta. Imminente. Citi lancia fondo web based siepe. Il sistema seminari forex dettagli del prodotto: Mar, titoli di Hong Kong e delle Finanze e future. Vic nobile. E futures costano decine di opzioni binarie corso minuto nuovo fiammante di Hong Kong per un trader di successo della città. trading algoritmico a Pasadena. ufficio Provost di s di forex come. Un elenco completo della intermediazione di forex trading di trading seminario della commissione del gruppo di lavoro wto8217s è uno strumento essenziale per basare Icici, Paul pong, Hong Kong, paper presentato al Centro di apprendimento forex trading Meetup i commenti non sono APPROFONDIMENTI closed. GET da esperti del settore Noi vantiamo nel fornire un ordine del giorno che è ricco di contenuti tempestivo che copre una gamma di argomenti di marketing e di come migliorare l'acquisizione del cliente, alla tecnologia e l'innovazione del settore. Nel corso della due giorni che abbiamo pannelli, keynote laboratori dove si può imparare da esperti. L'EXPO ULTIMATE B2B finanziaria e le cui GIOCO DI LAVORO settore del networking EVENTI 10TH iFX EXPO prepararsi ad una CELEBRAZIONE A proposito del iFX EXPO Asia 2017 di quest'anno in vivace Hong Kong celebriamo il nostro 10 ° expo Con 80 espositori e sponsor e più di 2500 partecipanti attesi di quest'anno , ci sarà l'introduzione di alcune nuove caratteristiche al pavimento spettacolo su misura per soddisfare le esigenze e le richieste dei nostri espositori e visitatori. Sarà un evento difficile da dimenticare - Oltre 2.500 partecipanti - 300 crescita di partecipanti dall 'inizio - opportunità di networking Top Business - esperti del settore con intuizioni chiave Il settore finanziario è estremamente veloce. Dai movimenti di mercato di massa che scuotono i pavimenti, aggiornamenti normativi, notizie e le modifiche ai cambiamenti e sviluppi della tecnologia - le nostre sessioni coprono tutto. Due giorni pieni di keynote, pannelli e workshop con l'obiettivo di condivisione delle conoscenze e know-how. Floor Plan Per informazioni sulla prenotazione di una cabina o di sponsorizzazione si prega di contattare salesifxexpo relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titlePROFTIT Con un capitale US100 milione dietro di esso, Divisa Capitale è pronta ad espandere in modo aggressivo la propria attività liquidità istituzionale avendo già si è affermata come la mediazione di scelta per una vasta gamma di clienti istituzionali e professionali. Con prossime grandi rapporti bilaterali con i prime broker, sarà stabilito lo status Divisas come un forte prime broker multi-asset globale senza ombra di dubbio. Con uffici in 4 paesi, servizi che vanno dalla liquidità istituzionale di prime brokerage FX servizi di tesoreria, Divisa Capitale è semplicemente la scelta giusta. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleDivisa AFX Group offre servizi di trading e di investimento in più lingue in tutto il mondo. Permettiamo agli investitori di accedere a una gamma di mercati e del commercio diversi strumenti finanziari, tra cui forex, indici, azioni, obbligazioni e materie prime. Inoltre, offriamo piattaforme all'avanguardia di trading, strumenti di trading completi, risorse didattiche avanzate, le ultime notizie finanziarie e molto altro ancora. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleAFX Gruppo MetaQuotes Software Corp. è una società B2B di sviluppo software fondata nel 2000. Fin dalla sua fondazione, l'azienda ha raggiunto il successo eccezionale nello sviluppo e nella fornitura di un flusso di prodotti, servizi e soluzioni nel data campo. Lavorando con alcuni dei leader a livello mondiale di business, si è guadagnata la reputazione come fornitore di soluzioni software più affidabili. Oggi il suo prodotto di maggior successo, MetaTrader 4, è il più popolare piattaforma di trading Forex in tutto il mondo. relpopover dati-placementtop data-originale-titleMetaQuotes - Stand 11 Currenex eroga la sua soluzione white label margine sulla stessa piattaforma pluripremiata che ci ha fatto un leader nello spazio di trading FX istituzionale. Con una serie di nuove caratteristiche che si basano sulle nostre interfacce ad alte prestazioni e sistemi di gestione del rischio, wersquore portando il meglio del mercato istituzionale al mondo margin-trading. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleCurrenex - Indice Booth 22 Global Market Limited (GMI) fa parte del gruppo GMI di società che comprende Global Market Index Limited (GMIUK). GMI è un introducing broker a Global Market Index Limited (GMIUK), un FCA regolamentato, con sede a Londra l'esecuzione di sola intermediazione assistere i clienti provenienti da tutto il mondo con i loro spot forex, indici, metalli e le esigenze di trading CFD. Che tu sia una ditta di proprietary trading alla ricerca di una maggiore trasparenza ed efficienza nel tuo trading, un broker-dealer alla ricerca di liquidità aggiuntiva, o un hedge fund in cerca di una prima classe Spot Forex, metalli e CFD istituzione di intermediazione al commercio attraverso, GMI può aiutare a soddisfare le vostre esigenze. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleGlobal Market Index Limited - Stand 33 soluzioni già pronte per Forex Broker: toro Broker chiavi in ​​mano toro White Label toro DMA liquidità toro Traders camera toro Ponte toro Web API MT4MT5 toro Nube CRM toro PAMM servizio amp MAM toro servizi legali e finanziari relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleB2Broker - Stand 44 si prega di contattarci se avete bisogno di una soluzione efficace per la vostra mediazione. Sviluppiamo software per MetaTrader 4 e MetaTrader 5 piattaforme e di offrire entrambe le soluzioni già pronte e l'esperienza developments. Our personalizzati e conoscenze nel campo del software Forex ci permette di risolvere problemi di qualsiasi complessità. relpopover dati-placementtop dati originali-titleTools per i mediatori - Stand 55 Backpack offre un importante business del mercato finanziario e Operations Support All-in-uno soluzione SaaS, massimizzando gli investitori potenziali, mantenendo le spese It Low e consentendo la massima efficienza del personale. Il singolo soluzione front-end zaino, comprende: CRM, Onboarding Compliance, gateway di pagamento, Business Intelligence, Report Engine e un gateway Marketing. Con oltre 7 anni di RampampD e vasta esperienza del mercato, lo zaino ha creato una soluzione robusta e scalabile consolidare tutti i dati necessari in un sicuro e semplice per lavorare con l'interfaccia. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleBackpack - Stand 66 mercati avanzati è un fornitore all'ingrosso di liquidità, di tecnologia e di credito soluzioni per banche e broker a livello mondiale. I prodotti firmrsquos supportano l'accesso diretto al mercato di scambio (DMA) in luogo FX, metalli preziosi e contratti per differenza (CFD) attraverso prodotti finanziari e delle materie prime. Fornisce inoltre FX, metalli e soluzioni commerciali e di credito CFD e servizi per gestori di fondi, commodity trading advisor ei partecipanti al mercato FX aziendali. relpopover dati-placementtop data-originale-titleAdvanced Markets - Stand 77 oggi, gli operatori, broker dealer, i responsabili di mercato, gestori di fondi, banche, hedge fund e investitori di tutto il mondo si affidano a Fortex per accelerare l'esecuzione del commercio e sostenere sofisticate strategie di trading. Le aziende di maggior successo moneta di scambio, tra cui Interbank FX, Pepperstone, mercati avanzati, Sun Hong Kai Financial, Macquarie Bank, e altri hanno costruito le loro imprese FX sulla piattaforma Fortex. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleFortex - Stand 88 Poiché il nostro lancio nel 2008 CFH Clearing ha lavorato instancabilmente per sviluppare le nostre soluzioni tecnologiche sofisticate e costruire la liquidità senza pari per i nostri clienti. Come suggerisce il nostro nome, noi crediamo di dover essere ldquoClearrdquo e trasparente, lavorando in collaborazione con i nostri clienti e partner, fornendo loro tutti gli strumenti necessari e di supporto per aiutare il loro business a crescere. Questa visione è stata condivisa da alcune delle persone migliori del settore e CFH Clearing si è affrettato ad attirare dipendenti dal leader di mercato, tra cui Deutsche Bank, Currenex, FXall e Saxo Bank per citarne alcuni. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleCFH Clearing - Stand 99 Wirecapital è in rapida crescita centro europeo di elaborazione dei pagamenti multi-banca che opera in Russia, UE e CSI, nonché in giurisdizioni aggiuntive in tutto il mondo. Il sistema di elaborazione companyrsquos è certificato da ldquoPCI DSS Livello 1rdquo standard di sicurezza come quotLevel 1 come pagamento GatewaySwitchInternet elaborazione dei pagamenti e di compensazione e Settlementquot. Wirecapital è un agente di pagamento ufficialmente registrato di Visa e Mastercard. L'azienda investe continuamente ingenti risorse che forniscono il più alto livello possibile di sicurezza e l'integrità dei dati sensibili dei propri partner e clienti. Grazie al design unico di sicurezza groundtop orientata del suo sistema di elaborazione. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleWire Capitale - Stand 1010 è analisi del rischio è una società consolidata tecnologia che migliora la redditività dei suoi partner globali attraverso la tecnologia di classe mondiale, provata e soluzioni per la gestione del rischio scalabili, analisi in tempo reale e completa servizi di consulenza. Offriamo soluzioni di internalizzazione dei rischi su misura per i mediatori di tutte le dimensioni su tutte le piattaforme. relpopover dati-placementtop Risk dati-original-titleIS - Stand 1111 Investire è un portale e internet marchio finanziaria globale composta da 27 edizioni in 21 lingue e applicazioni mobili per Android e iOS che forniscono notizie, analisi, quotazioni e grafici in streaming, dati tecnici e strumenti finanziari sui mercati finanziari globali. Ogni edizione copre una vasta gamma di veicoli finanziari locali e globali, tra cui azioni, obbligazioni, materie prime, valute, tassi di interesse, futures e opzioni. Fondata nel 2007, Investimenti ha un pubblico in crescita in tutto il mondo ed è ora uno dei principali portale finanziario globale impegnata a lanciare costantemente le caratteristiche e le sezioni innovative per garantire una fonte di one-stop ottimale per i suoi lettori. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleInvesting - Stand 1212 Credere che il marketing digitale non è semplicemente migrando opera stampata su una piattaforma on-line, ci sforziamo di superare i confini convenzionali, e il nostro obiettivo per la progettazione di campagne altamente redditizio per i nostri clienti. Noi crediamo che non dovrebbe svolgere un mero ruolo di strumento di esecuzione. Invece, dovrebbe essere abilmente integrata nel piano di marketing. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titlePrizm - Stand 1313 Invece di basarsi su diversi fornitori diversi, un broker di start-up otterrà notevole efficienza e risparmio finanziario lasciando soluzioni per gli intermediari istituito la sua intera infrastruttura di broker. Vi aiutiamo si apre una società (con o senza patente) e aprire un conto in banca. Inoltre mettiamo a disposizione una serie completa di soluzioni tecnologiche web (sito web e CMS, Sala Agente di cambio, CRM), trovare un piattaforma di trading White Label e si può aiutare con tutto il necessario per rendere il vostro business in un successo. Vi aiutiamo nella fase di pianificazione, durante la configurazione della vostra infrastruttura e sosteniamo tutti i sistemi in cui tutto è installato e funzionante. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-TITOLO I-infinito - Stand 1414 Ci impegniamo costantemente per sviluppare prodotti, che può aiutare gli operatori a prendere decisioni di trading migliori, con conseguente maggiore ritorno con meno rischi. I nostri prodotti per mobile e desktop sono facili da usare, incredibilmente facile da usare, con un design che è seconda a nessuno. Abbiamo appena capita di fare prodotti eccellenti. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleNetDania - Stand 1515 Fondata nel 2002 e con sede a Hong Kong con le operazioni in tutta la Cina, m-Finance è leader di mercato di primo piano nella Grande Cina su prodotti sfusi forex lingotti negoziazione servizi di piattaforma e di informazione finanziaria. m-FINANCE è un membro di Da Tang Xi Shi Group (codice stock: 620.HK) ed è stato premiato quotBest Piattaforma di Trading Provider in Asiaquot al 2016 la Cina Forex Expo. Per anni, m-FINANCE è da sempre impegnata a fornire applicazioni di trading one-stop all'avanguardia comprese le soluzioni di liquidità, soluzioni di trading automatizzate e applicazioni commerciali mobili. piattaforma di trading professionale m-FINANCErsquos sono stati ampiamente utilizzati dai membri dei cinesi d'oro e d'argento scambio Society di Hong Kong. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titlem-FINANCE - Stand 1616 FXStreet è il vostro luogo di incontro, il crocevia dove si può trovare tutto il necessario per prendere le decisioni migliori sui mercati valutari. In qualsiasi momento, 245. Basato su imparziale, di alta qualità e la libera informazione. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleFX Street - Stand 1717 VIBHS è orgoglioso della qualità e l'integrità del suo personale, generando un elevato livello di fiducia del cliente. Il Gruppo offre i propri servizi ai clienti commerciali con le proprie imprese regolamentate in tutto il mondo. Nel Regno Unito, VIBHS Financial Ltd è autorizzata e regolata dall'Autorità comportamento finanziario (FCA) in Azienda Numero di riferimento 613381. Con sede legale a Londra, siamo un intermediario finanziario leader nella fornitura di soluzioni di trading on-line con presenza significativa in Europa, MENA e del Sud regioni Est asiatico. La nostra attività si basa sul principio di base di trattare i clienti in modo equo. relpopover dati-placementtop data-originale-titleVIBHS - Stand 1818 Benvenuti a ICM Capital, online Forex e CFD ditta di commercio internazionale che offre 24 ore di accesso ad una vasta gamma di prodotti di trading, tra cui dei cambi, commodities, futures e indici. Attraverso ICM Capitale e la rinomata piattaforma di trading MetaTrader 4 mondo è possibile usufruire di elevata liquidità, spread ristretti, mobile trading, analisi tecnica e molto altro ancora. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleICM Capitale - Stand 1919 WeCollect è uno specialista di pagamento Cina focalizzata sul collegamento tra commercianti e PSPrsquos internazionali per i mercati consumer e B2B cinese in forte crescita. La nostra innovativa tecnologia Orchestrazione Hub consente ai commercianti di ridurre i costi di integrazione attraverso un unico hub, e per migliorare le conversazioni ottimizzando il loro fornitore e gestione delle frodi e la razionalizzazione del flusso di elaborazione. Fondata da veterani del settore e sostenuta da investitori di prim'ordine tra cui conglomerato globale Henyep Gruppo, forniamo ai nostri clienti di state-of-the-art tecnologie di pagamento e servizi che consentono molteplici metodi di Cina di pagamento, in entrata in uscita rimesse transfrontaliere, carte prepagate e Di Più. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleWe Collect - Stand 2020 Nel 2013, l'economista estone, Maksim Sepp, fondata Nordhill Capital di fornire servizi di gestione del risparmio sui mercati finanziari a investitori individuali e istituzionali. Il nostro obiettivo principale è l'aumento costante del nostro capitale clientsrsquo con possibili rischi minimi di negoziazione. Un altro fattore chiave del nostro lavoro è la trasparenza nelle nostre relazioni con gli investitori. Attualmente, tra i nostri clienti, è possibile trovare banche private, fondi, organizzazioni di assicurazione, molte persone pubbliche e investitori privati. Il numero totale dei nostri clienti è in costante crescita. Questo indica la qualità e la forte domanda per i nostri servizi. Già oggi, abbiamo più di 35 milioni di dollari sotto la nostra gestione. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleNordhill Capitale - Stand 2121 Tickmill è un Forex e CFD fornitore di servizi di trading, regolamentata nel Regno Unito dalla Financial Conduct Authority e il Seychelles Financial Services Authority. Per soddisfare le esigenze di entrambi gli investitori individuali e istituzionali, Tickmill offre on-line servizi di trading CFD, così come best-in-class Introducing Broker e soluzioni di liquidità. Utilizzando le più sofisticate tecnologie di trading, l'azienda fornisce l'accesso a esecuzione multi-asset con prezzi senza eguali, così come robuste strutture IB, consentendo ai suoi partner per generare un flusso continuo di reddito. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleTickmill - Stand 2222 Fondata nel 2007, Maniford è una delle principali società di gestione degli investimenti globale che ha aperto la strada alla gestione di portafogli di investimento diversificate merce utilizzando futures delle materie prime. Combinando i vantaggi di portata mondiale con un servizio locale e le relazioni. Maniford offre competenza, la scala, la fiducia e la forza della sua esperienza del cliente. Con una presenza commerciale dedicata in cinque continenti in oltre 35 paesi, Maniford impiega una forza lavoro diversificata globale di oltre 500 dipendenti e ha un team di grande esperienza di professionisti degli investimenti in media oltre 20 anni di investimento delle materie prime esperienza di trading. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleManiford - Stand 2323 Il nostro obiettivo è quello di fornire la migliore esperienza di trading. We39re appassionato di trading on-line, costantemente innovando e cercando di migliorare il modo in cui i nostri clienti di investire nei mercati finanziari. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di fornire spread ridotti indipendentemente dalla volatilità del mercato, offrendo prezzi competitivi e affidabili. Offriamo spread interessanti in tutta la nostra gamma di prodotti, da 0,7 punti su EURUSD, 1 punto su indici chiave come il Regno Unito e la Germania 100 30, e di 0,3 punti su oro. I nostri tassi di margine partono da 0,2 per forex e indici, 0,5 per le materie prime e 3 per le azioni. relpopover dati-placementtop dati originali-titleCMC Markets - Stand 2424 Siamo un fornitore di soluzioni premium di intermediazione, dedicata a fornire una vasta gamma di soluzioni e servizi che consentono Forex broker e istituzioni finanziarie per ridurre al minimo i rischi e massimizzare il profitto brokerrsquos innovative. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleLeverate - Stand 2525 avvicina alla commercianti con la più alta formazione commerciale di qualità, ricerca di mercato e segnali che costruiranno tradersrsquo fiducia al commercio di Forex CFD e opzioni binarie. Il nostro team è composto da un gruppo di professionisti nel campo del marketing, formazione, produzione video e la traduzione. Dal 2007 abbiamo sviluppato la piattaforma educativa più robusta e diversificata là fuori. Anni di esperienza e di sviluppo ci hanno portato al punto in cui siamo in grado di fornire Forex e Opzioni binarie aziende una soluzione su misura che drammaticamente aumentare le prestazioni companyrsquos. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleMTE - Media - Stand 2626 Finotec è una società fin-tech che offre servizi ai clienti dal 1998 e FCA regolata dal 2007. Offriamo servizi vero prezzo di liquidità e di intermediazione. Sia che si sta appena iniziando una nuova attività di FX, lo sviluppo di uno esistente o alla ricerca di una soluzione di gestione del rischio - a lavorare con gli esperti di broker FX riconosciuti è la chiave. Con una vasta esperienza sia in Risk Book intermediazione e ordini di esecuzione, Finotec ha le conoscenze, le competenze e le capacità per creare soluzioni che massimizzano la redditività ofits affari clientsrsquo. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleFinotec - Stand 2727 Con un capitale US100 milione dietro di esso, Divisa Capitale è pronta ad espandere in modo aggressivo la propria attività liquidità istituzionale avendo già si è affermata come la mediazione di scelta per una vasta gamma di clienti istituzionali e professionali. Con prossime grandi rapporti bilaterali con i prime broker, sarà stabilito lo status Divisas come un forte prime broker multi-asset globale senza ombra di dubbio. Con uffici in 4 paesi, servizi che vanno dalla liquidità istituzionale di prime brokerage FX servizi di tesoreria, Divisa Capitale è semplicemente la scelta giusta. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleDivisa - Stand 2828 UFX è impegnata a creare l'ambiente di trading più confortevole accoppiato con i migliori condizioni commerciali. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleUFX - Stand 2929 Con una particolare attenzione per l'innovazione continua e approfondita conoscenza del mercato FX dettaglio, oro-i aiuta i broker di gestire il rischio in modo più efficace e diventare più redditizio. La domanda di prodotti in oro-i, supportato da un servizio 24x7 eccezionale, ha aiutato la nostra attività per andare più forte. Con sede a Guildford, 20 miglia a sud di Londra, presso il Technology Centre Surrey, oro-i si avvale di un team di sviluppatori, personale di garanzia della qualità e delle operazioni IT specialisti sia per il servizio clienti esistenti e costruire e sviluppare nuovi prodotti nuovi products. All passare attraverso una rigorosa test prima del rilascio di dare broker e banche la certezza di cui hanno bisogno in modo che possano andare avanti con il loro core business, senza costose interruzioni. Gold relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleGold-i - Stand 3030 Sucden Financial (HK) Limited è la filiale di Hong Kong di Sucden Financial Limited, uno dei principali derivati ​​internazionali broker azienda è autorizzato dalla Securities and Futures Commission (SFC, numero ASE480) al commercio futures e opzioni e cambi leva finanziaria. L'azienda commercializza anche lingotti direttamente per i clienti e agisce come un intermediario che introduce alla capogruppo. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleSucden finanziaria - Stand 3131 SpotOption è stata fondata nel 2010, ed è un fornitore leader di tecnologia di trading. SpotOption ha una soluzione multi-piattaforma per gli strumenti di negoziazione derivati ​​come opzioni derivati, Forex, CFD, e scaletta. Assunzione di personale oltre 250 dipendenti, tra cui migliori programmatori, sviluppatori e designer, SpotOption ha filiali in Gran Bretagna, Hong Kong, e il Medio Oriente. SpotOption ha clientela in tutto il mondo, tra cui Europa, Asia, Australia, Medio Oriente e America Latina. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleSpotOption - Stand 3232 Siamo composto dai membri che hanno sviluppato sistemi finanziari come FX e CFD e condotte consultazione nel settore da quasi 10 anni in Giappone. È un dato di fatto, il mercato giapponese è il numero uno al mondo nel settore FX, e ci sono sopravvissuti competizione con concorrenti in un tale contesto. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di andare recuperare il mercato in tutto il mondo esportando le esperienze di crescita del mercato nutrito in Giappone, il know-how per acquisire clienti, e il sistema all'avanguardia. Come la sua prima fase, come per lo sviluppo, per un totale di 90 persone come personale hanno lavorato sullo sviluppo off-shore a Hanoi, Vietnam nel Sudest asiatico. Questo perché l'equilibrio dei dati statistici della popolazione relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleNextop - Stand 3333 Swissquote Bank, il leader svizzero nel settore bancario on-line, ha i conti oltre 220.000 clienti fornendo ai clienti privati, aziende, gestori patrimoniali e istituzioni da più di 100 paesi con una vasta gamma di prodotti e servizi finanziari, tra cui Trading, Forex, ePrivate bancario e del risparmio. Swissquote Bank offre soluzioni tecnologiche istituzioni white label e della liquidità diretta su oltre 100 coppie di valute, metalli preziosi e CFD disponibili per la voce e per via elettronica attraverso le nostre tecnologie proprietarie o commerciali partito 3 ° premiati. Swissquote Group attualmente impiega oltre 500 dipendenti e dispone anche di uffici a Dubai, Londra, Malta e Hong Kong per servire i clienti in oltre 120 paesi. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleSwissquote Bank - Stand 3434 TechFinancials è una soluzione end-to-end binario, semplificato Forex e fornitore di tecnologia CFD, offrendo soluzioni premium di negoziazione ad una clientela globale. Dal 2009, TechFinancialsrsquo potente piattaforma ha consegnato una esperienza di trading di facile utilizzo orientata al mercato di massa. Offriamo soluzioni mobile e web di trading innovativi su misura, adatti per i mediatori di tutte le dimensioni e livelli di esperienza nel settore. La nostra soluzione scalabile completa comprende un back-end, frontend, strumenti di negoziazione e servizi di supporto, che permette ai brand di offrire piattaforme di trading leader nel settore con il proprio marchio. TechFinancials è una società pubblica, quotata al London Stock Exchange AIM, con uffici a Hong Kong, Israele, Cipro, Ucraina e Giappone. relpopover dati-placementtop data-originale-titleTechFinancials - Stand 3535 TechFinancials è un end-to-end binario, semplificato Forex e fornitore di tecnologia CFD, offrendo soluzioni premium di trading ad una clientela globale. Dal 2009, TechFinancialsrsquo potente piattaforma ha consegnato una esperienza di trading di facile utilizzo orientata al mercato di massa. Offriamo soluzioni mobile e web di trading innovativi su misura, adatti per i mediatori di tutte le dimensioni e livelli di esperienza nel settore. La nostra soluzione scalabile completa comprende un back-end, frontend, strumenti di negoziazione e servizi di supporto, che permette ai brand di offrire piattaforme di trading leader nel settore con il proprio marchio. TechFinancials è una società pubblica, quotata al London Stock Exchange AIM, con uffici a Hong Kong, Israele, Cipro, Ucraina e Giappone. relpopover dati-placementtop data-originale-titleTechFinancials - Stand 3636 AFX Group offre servizi di trading e di investimento in più lingue in tutto il mondo. Permettiamo agli investitori di accedere a una gamma di mercati e del commercio diversi strumenti finanziari, tra cui forex, indici, azioni, obbligazioni e materie prime. Inoltre, offriamo piattaforme all'avanguardia di trading, strumenti di trading completi, risorse didattiche avanzate, le ultime notizie finanziarie e molto altro ancora. dati-originale-titleAFX relpopover dati-placementtop Gruppo - Stand 3737 AvaTrade è stato un pioniere innovativo nel trading on-line dal 2006. La società è stata creata come uno sforzo congiunto di professionisti finanziari ed esperti in web-commerce con l'obiettivo di perfezionare l'esperienza online per i commercianti al dettaglio. La nostra visione AvaTrade è impegnata a dare potere alle persone di investire e il commercio, con fiducia, in un ambiente innovativo e affidabile supportata da personale di servizio best-in-class e l'integrità senza compromessi. Il nostro AvaTrade Valori è dedicato ad una serie di valori fondamentali che definisce le nostre relazioni con clienti e partner, e guida ogni decisione che prendiamo. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleAvaTrade - Stand 3838 Panda Trading Systems è specializzata nello sviluppo di tecnologie di intermediazione superiore per il settore del trading on-line. La missione aziendale è di fare trading online un semplice, un'esperienza più integrata, per i commercianti e gli intermediari simili. Con oltre un decenni di esperienza nel settore, oggi Panda serve molte delle maggiori broker worldrsquos con la sua suite di completamente personalizzabili tutti-in-one di soluzioni e supporto in stile boutique, permettendo loro di razionalizzare le loro operazioni e consentendo loro di concentrare le proprie risorse su crescita. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titlePanda Trading Systems - Stand 3939 Panda Trading Systems è specializzata nello sviluppo di tecnologie di intermediazione superiore per il settore del trading on-line. La missione aziendale è di fare trading online un semplice, un'esperienza più integrata, per i commercianti e gli intermediari simili. Con oltre un decenni di esperienza nel settore, oggi Panda serve molte delle maggiori broker worldrsquos con la sua suite di completamente personalizzabili tutti-in-one di soluzioni e supporto in stile boutique, permettendo loro di razionalizzare le loro operazioni e consentendo loro di concentrare le proprie risorse su crescita. relpopover dati-placementtop-originali titlePanda data-Trading Systems - Stand 4040 abbiamo fondato la prima azienda spread betting finanziario world39s nel 1974, e sono stati un leader di mercato da allora. IG è parte di IG Group Holdings Plc, membro di FTSE 250, con una capitalizzazione di mercato di pound2.9 billion.2 Siamo un business a livello globale di successo con uffici in 15 paesi e più di 152.600 clienti attivi in ​​tutto il mondo, e un fatturato netto annuo di trading di pound456.3 million.1 Siamo autorizzati e regolati dal comportamento dell'Autorità finanziaria (FCA), numero di registro 195.355 (IG Markets Limited) e 114059 (IG Index Limited). relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleIG - Stand 4141 Tradologic è il leader worldrsquos binario fornitore di piattaforme opzioni, offrendo soluzioni d'avanguardia che reinventano le industrie commerciali e finanziari online di gioco. Gestiamo il più grande centro di sviluppo IT nel settore binario. Il nostro team di sviluppo è focalizzato sul rafforzamento del successo delle nostre imprese partnersrsquo fornendo ambiente tecnologico innovativo e stabile per le loro operazioni. Per essere costantemente sul fronte dell'innovazione industryrsquos, Tradologic impiega i migliori professionisti IT con sfondo pertinenti e vasta esperienza professionale che può fornire un servizio superiore. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleTradolgic - Stand 4242 relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleCreate Trader - Stand 4343 Forexware offre soluzioni e tecnologie software per le imprese più grandi, le istituzioni e le piccole imprese. Forexware offre tier 1 liquidità e permette di hedge fund e società di intermediazione di accedere ai fornitori di liquidità non bancari in tutto il mondo. Il nostro ForexStarterKit aiuta le piccole imprese a costruire la loro base di clienti e Forexware offre soluzioni white label che permettono ai nostri clienti di fornire soluzioni facili e flessibili Forex trading ai propri clienti con capacità di negoziazione e di gestione del rischio avanzate. Le nostre offerte di white label sono progettati per le istituzioni finanziarie che possono contenere fondi per conto dei loro clienti e di offrire una suite completa di soluzioni potenti, efficiente e facile da gestire soluzioni di trading FX con gestione del rischio e di back-office. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleForexWare - Stand 4444 LarsonampHolz conduce il business attraverso la catena di rappresentanti che agire secondo le concessioni di licenza e contesto normativo del paese di registrazione. Le tecnologie avanzate del XXI secolo per i commercianti. sistemi online automatici di deposito e prelievo. esecuzione mercati che non ricambia. Conti non di deposito ecc mercato si estende da 0,1 pip e l'ottima esecuzione. Le opzioni aggiuntive per i conti islamici professionals-, programmi di fx ed ecc Siamo sempre aperti per le nuove idee e migliorare costantemente i nostri servizi. L'obiettivo della spinta per lo sviluppo è la creazione delle condizioni più confortevoli per i commercianti XXI secolo. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleLarsonHolz - Stand 4545 ADS Abu Dhabi-basati Titoli fornisce sofisticate forex, lingotti e commercio di materie prime soluzioni a investitori istituzionali e privati. clienti istituzionali includono banche, hedge fund globali e regionali, asset manager, banche di investimento e le istituzioni finanziarie non bancarie. Questi sono equamente divisi tra Europa, Medio Oriente e Asia. I clienti privati ​​vanno da singoli operatori privati ​​attraverso di uomini d'affari con esperienza che gestiscono sia le attività personali e familiari. relpopover dati-placementtop dati originali-titleADS Titoli - Stand 4646 Siamo specializzati nella FX, e noi progettare e realizzare applicazioni mobili, widget web, grafici avanzati e premio di trading interfacce utente per i broker e banche. relpopover dati-placementtop dati-originale-titleMobile Trading Partners - Stand 4747 Finanza Magnati (in precedenza: Forex Magnati) è il worldrsquos solo multi-asset onlineelectronic hub della conoscenza di trading. Utilizzando un potente triangolo di notizie, ricerche ed eventi, Finanza Magnati rivolge letteralmente alle esigenze di tutto il settore commerciale globale. Founded in 2009 by Michael Greenberg, and initially focused on the Forex B2B sphere, Finance Magnates offers a one-of - a-kind knowledge opportunity for industry professionals and trading savvies alike. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFinance Magnates - Booth 4848 Established in 2010 we operate on an international scale with offices in Dubai, Hong Kong, Limassol and Shanghai. We are privileged to have a highly talented and dynamic work force in all key departments, made up of top industry professionals, covering 19 nationalities. PrimeXM provides true institutional technology solutions to FX brokers, banks, liquidity providers, hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, asset managers and so on. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePrimeXM - Booth 4949 Software and CRM experts Hello Group have created Hello Diamonds with the idea of sourcing the best precious stones from around the globe. Connected to 7000 manufacturers, the platform offers over 800,000 live diamonds in a single portal. Users have the ability to purchase and resell diamonds at the click of a button, with the option of storing their stones in an ultra-secure vault, or opting for a home delivery. Welcome to the future of diamond trading. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleHello-Group - Booth 5050 relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePROFTIT - Booth 5151 As Saxo helped drive the revolutions that shifted the business time and again, it has always been energised by the same notion that moves us today. Saxo strives to facilitate multi-asset investment and trading by providing access to global financial markets, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading expertise. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSAXO Bank - Booth 5252 As Saxo helped drive the revolutions that shifted the business time and again, it has always been energised by the same notion that moves us today. Saxo strives to facilitate multi-asset investment and trading by providing access to global financial markets, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading expertise. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSAXO Bank - Booth 5353 Z Trade is the global brand of the GMO CLICK Group. GMO CLICK is a market leader and deep liquidity pool in the Japanese FX Market, we are recognised as the World39s Largest Retail Forex Provider by Volume, and has been for 4 consecutive years since 2012. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleZ - Booth 5454 Zotapay has simplified the process down to one application and one integration. With flawless synergy between Gateway and CRM technologies, Zotapay connects online merchants with the widest coverage of global and local payment solutions available in the market. Zotapay fills a void in the industry, a payment provider and gateway technology offering such an extensive selection of acquiring banks, financial institutions, e-Wallets and alternative methods to such a wide range of merchants with a smooth and manageable underwriting process. Zotapay presents one unified gateway hub opening merchants to a world of limitless payment solutions, simplifying payment-processing altogether. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleZotaPay - Bitcoin Stand - Booth 5555 Doo Holding Group Limited, established in 2014, as a professional partner for serving financial institutions, provides a full set of spot forex trading and binary options solutions through our MT4 softwares, CRM systems, Wechat trading system and others39 self-inventing systems. Now we are finding a VC partner to expand our business. Welcome to contact with us. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDoo Holding - Booth 5656 Brokeree Solutions specializes in high quality MetaTrader 4 and 5 solution development and platform servicing for Forex Brokerages. We are to assist Forex Brokerages by providing technological solutions and services that make our clients and partners perfectly contented and allow them to run their business more effectively. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBrokeree Solutions - Booth 5757 GKPro Financial Services Ltd is a global, UK based and FCA regulated online Forex trading company. GKPro offers advanced online FX, CFD and commodity brokerage platforms and services to traders globally. Our mission is to put integrity and quality of service to the forefront of our business. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGKPro - Booth 5858 DinarDirham is a global FinTech company with offices in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and soon in Dubai, providing online and physical gold, forex and metal investment solutions worldwide. With over 10 years of forex trading platform development, DinarDirham is built as a decentralized gold and forex investment platform, using the latest technologies to provide transparency, reliability and security. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDinarDirham - Booth 5959 At Stater Global Markets, we have the access, the experience and the know-how to deliver the solution you need. Our principals have many decades of institutional and brokerage experience building the relationships that count. We have the advantage of being well backed financially and we do not have assets that can add risk or detract from giving clients a focused offering: No proprietary risk taken (Stater Global Markets has an FCA Matched Principal licence) Not part of a larger retail franchise No proprietary IT team or software. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleStater Global Markets - Booth 6060 The members of LEANWORK have been working in foreign exchange trading industry for decades. Darren, the founder of LEANWORK, used to work for IFX Market, Boston Technologies, and was the co-founder of FOREXPRESS. Darren has a deep understanding and an insightful view on financial market. The core technical team at LEANWORK has working background of Internet giant and famous financial Institution such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Tecent. LEANWORK is growing faster and has received A-round venture capital. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleLEANWORK - Booth 6161 Broctagon was founded on the belief that the Binary Options industry was in an evident need for a better binary options trading platform. One that was more comprehensive, sophisticated and secured. Capable of aiding traders in realizing their full potential. Bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBroctagon Solutions - Booth 6262 Grand Capital has been providing financial, educational and brokerage services since 2006. We actively participate in major financial exhibitions to keep up with latest market trends. Grand Capital Ltd. is registered in 106 Premier Building Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles with reg. no. 036046. To see our licenses and certificates please visit this page. At the moment Grand Capital has offices in Europe and Asia. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGrand Capital - Booth 6363 Alain Pellier and Romain Gandon leave Londonrsquos trading floors to establish TRADING CENTRAL in Paris in 1999. Since then, the research house has seen rapid development and continuous growth. In 2000, Anvar (French government agency for research promotion) awarded its innovative company label to TRADING CENTRAL for the quality of its proprietary research models. TRADING CENTRALrsquos Added Value was quickly recognized by the best in the business. today more than 200 financial institutions in 45 countries trust TRADING CENTRAL. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTrading Central - Booth 6464 Global eSolutions (HK) Limited (ldquoGESrdquo) is a global leading provider dedicated in financial technologies for more than 10 years. GES empowers financial institutions with algo-trading capability, advanced risk management and FIX bridging solutions. GES fully covers the needs of the on-floor trading and OTC markets, with value-added services ranging from IT technical support, system integration, bespoke software and network infrastructure development to hosting services. With GES technologies, financial institutions are able to overcome the challenges of risk management, position management, liquidity source and trading across different financial instruments in a single platform. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGlobal eSolutions - Booth 6565 National Bullion House provides physical trading activities for precious metals, mainly gold. We adapt technological innovations in providing an online market. We offer efficient services, flexible charges, reliable custodian of purchases, investment strategy consultation, and a professional guiding team. We make buying precious metals a trouble-free transaction. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleNational Bullion House - Booth 6666 Forex Development Corporation (ldquoFDCrdquo) is a US based, fully integrated forex service provider that delivers FX prime brokerage solutions to forex market participants looking to access the retail and institutional spot forex markets. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleForex Development Corporation - Booth 6767 The SafeCharge International Group Limited is a global provider of payments services, technologies and risk management solutions for online and mobile businesses. Established in 2007 the Group is a leader in advanced payment technologies. The Group has a diversified, blue chip client base and is a trusted payment partner for customers from various e-commerce verticals. With a history in innovation, the Company employs proprietary technologies and methodologies to service a stable and growing merchant client base. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSafeCharge - Booth 6868 TactiClicks allows any brand, brokerage or master affiliate to build their own custom branded and fully operational affiliate network within 24 hours. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTactiClicks - Booth 6969 D2M Limited is a brokerage that continually striving to provide a client-friendly, totally interactive Forex experience by always look to innovate and take advantage of the latest technology. With high-speed, superior level of customer support and low spreads from 0.4 pips, D2M is surely your best trading partner. An A-1 Liquidity Provider regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We offer services on a B to B basis with tight spreads, better quality and wide range of liquidity in the market. Low Latency, Tailored Pricing and Global Connectivity are our advantages. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleD2M Limited - Booth 7070 K. Treppides ampamp Co offers global licensing and post licensing services in EU and non-EU jurisdictions with presence in HK, London, Malta, Nicosia and Limassol. It specializes in advising globally investment firms, PSPs and funds involved in FOREXBinaryCFDs for structuring, compliance, risk management, tax optimization, accounting and audit inter alia. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleK. Treppides Co Ltd - Booth 7171 A Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) is an issuance of securities (AAA to B) and an equity tranche backed by the cash flows from a diversified pool of senior secured corporate bank loans. CDOs are structured with a re-investment period, allowing the CDO Manager to actively buy and sell assets, subject to asset quality covenants for a period of 3-5 years. The return paid to the equity holders is the difference between the current yield on the underlying assets and the financing cost of the issued notes. The integration of the CDO platform and its rigorous investment and risk management processes focused solely on CDOs provides investors with unique investment opportunities. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleMcQua - Booth 7272 ldquoQubePay is a global provider of secure online payment solutions, whose success is built on core values of innovation, commitment, passion and trust. We aim to provide innovative payment solutions which allow smart, secure and easy operations to enable our merchants to grow and excel in the rapidly evolving commerce markets. rdquo relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleQubePay - Booth 7373 VoiceSpin aims to bridge the gap between companies and clients through easy to use communication systems that enhance collaboration, communication and facilitate critical business aspects. Our goal is to simplify companies communication with open source VoIP solutions that enhance collaboration, both internally and with customers, and provide a seamless process for all telephone communication needs. At VoiceSpin we believe in the importance of tailoring our solutions to our clients needs and understanding the dynamic industries in which they operate that is why we are constantly upgrading and improving our communication solutions. We ensure that the evolving demands of our clients are continuously met and surpassed. By providing simp relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleVoicespin - Booth 7474 Seabury Global Markets owns, invests in and partners with emerging financial technology companies such as FXone, Spotex and Noble in order to manage eFX and gold execution workflow within one solution. Noble is a next-generation bank, enabling clients to clear, net, and settle Spot FX and OTC transactions in real-time. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSeabury Global Markets - Booth 7575 Tradespot is a software development company that specializes in high-performance platforms for binary options and Forex. We offer full business solution that allows to enter the industry under your own brand: bull White Labels bull Web, Desktop (winmaclinux), IOS, Android bull CRM Sales CRM bull Affiliate program software. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTradespot - Booth 7676 relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDing Hong Yang Investment Management Co.,LTD - Booth 7777 Zotapay has simplified the process down to one application and one integration. With flawless synergy between Gateway and CRM technologies, Zotapay connects online merchants with the widest coverage of global and local payment solutions available in the market. Zotapay fills a void in the industry, a payment provider and gateway technology offering such an extensive selection of acquiring banks, financial institutions, e-Wallets and alternative methods to such a wide range of merchants with a smooth and manageable underwriting process. Zotapay presents one unified gateway hub opening merchants to a world of limitless payment solutions, simplifying payment-processing altogether. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBitcoin (ZotaPay)-20 With over 1000 listings spread over 30 categories, the Finance Magnates Directory is the largest online Directory providing a detailed and informative website for the global FX and Financial Industry. Leading Financial companies, Services Providers and FX and Binary Brokers display their transparent profiles and company fact files as well as effectively promote and market themselves through posting their latest news and company developments. The popular platform connects the industry and enables professionals to form successful business partnerships as well as offering the listed clients the ability to actualize the quality exposure they deserve. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFMD WALLi MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a B2B software development company established in 2000. Since its establishment, the company has achieved outstanding success in developing and delivering a stream of innovative products, services and solutions in the given field. Working with some of the world leading business, it has earned the reputation as a supplier of the most reliable software solutions. Today its most successful product, MetaTrader 4, is the most popular Forex trading platform in the world. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleMetaQuotes - Booth 1 classfloorLogo booth1 Currenex delivers its margin white label solution on the same award-winning platform that made us a leader in the institutional FX trading space. With a host of new features that build on our high-performance interfaces and risk management systems, wersquore bringing the best of the institutional market to the margin-trading world. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleCurrenex - Booth 2 classfloorLogo booth2 Global Market Index Limited (GMI) is part of the GMI group of companies which includes Global Market Index Limited (GMIUK). GMI is an introducing broker to Global Market Index Limited (GMIUK), an FCA Regulated, London-based execution-only brokerage assisting clients from around the world with their Spot Forex, Indices, Metals and CFD trading needs. Whether you are a proprietary trading firm looking for increased transparency and efficiency in your trading, a broker-dealer looking for additional liquidity, or a hedge fund in search of a first class Spot Forex, Metals and CFDs brokerage institution to trade through, GMI can help you meet your needs. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGlobal Market Index Limited - Booth 3 classfloorLogo booth3 Ready-made Solutions for Forex Brokers: bull Broker Turnkey bull White Label bull DMA Liquidity bull Traders Room bull Bridge bull Web API MT4MT5 bull Cloud CRM bull PAMM amp MAM service bull Legal and Financial services relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleB2Broker - Booth 4 classfloorLogo booth4 Please contact us if you need effective solution for your brokerage. We develop software for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms and offer both ready-made solutions and custom developments. Our experience and knowledge in the field of Forex software allows us to solve problems of any complexity. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTools For Brokers - Booth 5 classfloorLogo booth5 Backpack delivers a leading Financial Market Business and Operations Support All-in - one SaaS solution, maximizing investors potential while keeping low IT expenses and enabling optimal staff efficiency. The Backpack single front end solution, includes: CRM, Onboarding Compliance, Payment Gateway, Business Intelligence, Reporting Engine and a Marketing Gateway. With over 7 years of RampampD and vast market experience, Backpack has created a robust and scalable solution consolidating all necessary data in a secured and simple to work with interface. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBackpack - Booth 6 classfloorLogo booth6 Advanced Markets is a wholesale provider of liquidity, technology and credit solutions to banks and brokers globally. The firmrsquos products support direct market access (DMA) trading in spot FX, precious metals as well as contracts for differences (CFD) across financial and commodity products. It also provides FX, metals and CFD trading and credit solutions and services to fund managers, commodity trading advisors and corporate FX market participants. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleAdvanced Markets - Booth 7 classfloorLogo booth7 Today, traders, broker dealers, market makers, money managers, banks, hedge funds, and investors around the world rely on Fortex to accelerate trade execution and support sophisticated trading strategies. The most successful currency trading firms, including Interbank FX, Pepperstone, Advanced Markets, Sun Hong Kai Financial, Macquarie Bank, and others have built their FX businesses on the Fortex platform. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFortex - Booth 8 classfloorLogo booth8 Since our launch in 2008 CFH Clearing has worked tirelessly to develop our own sophisticated technology solutions and build unrivalled liquidity for our clients. As our name suggests, we believe in being ldquoClearrdquo and transparent, working in conjunction with our clients and partners, giving them all the necessary tools and support to help their business grow. This vision was shared by some of the top people in the industry and CFH Clearing moved quickly to attract employees from market leaders including Deutsche Bank, Currenex, FXALL and Saxo Bank to name a few. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleCFH Clearing - Booth 9 classfloorLogo booth9 Wirecapital is the rapidly growing European multi-bank payment processing center that operates in Russia, EU and CIS as well as in additional jurisdictions worldwide. The companyrsquos processing system is fully certified by ldquoPCI DSS Level 1rdquo security standard as quotLevel 1 as Payment GatewaySwitchInternet Payment Processing and Clearing and Settlementquot. Wirecapital is an officially registered payment agent of Visa and Mastercard. The company continuously invests substantial resources delivering the highest possible level of security and integrity of sensitive data of its partners and customers. Due to the unique groundtop security oriented design of its processing system. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleWire Capital - Booth 10 classfloorLogo booth10 IS Risk Analytics is a well-established technology firm that improves the profitability of its global partners through world-class technology, proven and scalable risk management solutions, real-time analytics and comprehensive consulting services. We offer tailor made risk internalisation solutions for brokers of all sizes on all platforms. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleIS Risk - Booth 11 classfloorLogo booth11 Investing is a global financial portal and internet brand composed of 27 editions in 21 languages and mobile apps for Android and iOS that provide news, analysis, streaming quotes and charts, technical data and financial tools about the global financial markets. Each edition covers a broad variety of local and global financial vehicles including Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Interest Rates, Futures and Options. Founded in 2007, Investing has a growing readership worldwide and is now a leading global financial portal committed to constantly launching innovative features and sections to ensure an optimal one-stop source for its readers. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleInvesting - Booth 12 classfloorLogo booth12 Believing that digital marketing is not simply migrating printed work onto an online platform, we strive to break through conventional boundaries, and we aim to design highly profitable campaigns for our clients. We believe that IT should not play a mere role as an execution tool. Instead, it should be skillfully integrated into the marketing plan. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePrizm - Booth 13 classfloorLogo booth13 Instead of relying on several different providers, a start-up broker will get significant efficiency and financial saving by letting Solutions for Brokers set up his entire broker infrastructure. We help you open a company (with or without license) and open a bank account. Furthermore we provide a full set of web technology solutions (Website and CMS, Trader Room, CRM), help you find a White Label trading platform and can assist you with whatever you need to make your business a success. We help you in the planning phase, during setup of your infrastructure and support all systems when everything is up and running. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlei-infinite - Booth 14 classfloorLogo booth14 We continuously strive to develop products, that can assist traders in making better trading decisions, resulting in higher return with less risk. Our products for mobile and desktop are easy to use, incredibly user friendly, with a design that is second to none. We just happen to make outstanding products. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleNetDania - Booth 15 classfloorLogo booth15 Established in 2002 and headquartered in Hong Kong with operations across China, m-FINANCE is a prominent market leader in Greater China on forex bullion bulk commodities trading platform and financial information services. m-FINANCE is a member of Da Tang Xi Shi Group(Stock Code: 620.HK) and was awarded quotBest Trading Platform Provider in Asiaquot at 2016 China Forex Expo. For years, m-FINANCE has always been committed to providing cutting-edge one-stop trading applications including liquidity solutions, automated trading solutions and mobile trading apps. m-FINANCErsquos professional trading platform have been widely used by the members of The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society in Hong Kong. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlem-FINANCE - Booth 16 classfloorLogo booth16 FXStreet is your meeting place, the crossroads where you can find everything you need to make the best decisions in the currency markets. Anytime, 245. Based on unbiased, high quality and free information. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFX Street - Booth 17 classfloorLogo booth17 VIBHS takes pride in the quality and integrity of its staff, engendering a high level of customer trust. The Group offers its customers trading services through its regulated group companies worldwide. In the UK, VIBHS Financial Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Firm Reference Number 613381. Head-quartered in London, we are a leading financial intermediary providing online trading solutions with significant presence in Europe, MENA and South East Asia regions. Our business is built upon the core principle of treating customers fairly. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleVIBHS - Booth 18 classfloorLogo booth18 Welcome to ICM Capital, an international online Forex and CFD trading firm offering 24 hour access to a diverse range of trading products including foreign exchange, commodities, futures and indices. Through ICM Capital and the world renowned MetaTrader 4 trading platform you can take advantage of high liquidity, tight spreads, mobile trading, technical analysis and much more. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleICM Capital - Booth 19 classfloorLogo booth19 WeCollect is a China payment specialist focused on linking international merchants and PSPrsquos to the fast-growing Chinese consumer and B2B markets. Our ground breaking Orchestration Hub Technology enables merchants to lower integration costs via a single hub, and to improve conversations by optimizing their vendor and fraud management and streamlining processing flow. Founded by industry veterans and backed by blue-chip investors including global conglomerate Henyep Group, we provide our clients with state-of-the-art payment technologies and services which enable multiple China payment methods, inbound outbound cross-border remittances, prepaid cards and more. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleWe Collect - Booth 20 classfloorLogo booth20 In 2013, Estonian economist, Maksim Sepp, founded Nordhill Capital to provide asset management services on financial markets to individual and institutional investors. Our main goal is the steady increase of our clientsrsquo capital with minimum possible trading risks. Another key factor of our work is transparency in our relations with investors. Currently, among our clients, you can find private banks, funds, insurance organizations, several public persons and private investors. The total number of our clients is constantly growing. This indicates the quality and high demand for our services. Already today, we have more than 35 million dollars under our management. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleNordhill Capital - Booth 21 classfloorLogo booth21 Tickmill is a Forex and CFD trading services provider, regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Seychelles Financial Services Authority. Catering to the needs of both individual and institutional investors, Tickmill offers online CFD trading services, as well as best-in-class Introducing Broker and liquidity solutions. By utilising the most sophisticated trading technologies, the company provides access to multi-asset execution with unmatched pricing, as well as robust IB structures, enabling its partners to generate an ongoing stream of income. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTickmill - Booth 22 classfloorLogo booth22 Established in 2007, Maniford is a leading global investment management firm which has pioneered the management of diversified commodity investment portfolios using commodity futures. Combining the benefits of worldwide reach with local service and relationships. Maniford delivers expertise, scale, trust and the strength of its client experience. With a dedicated business presence on five continents in over 35 countries, Maniford employs a global diverse workforce of more than 500 staff and has a highly experienced team of investment professionals averaging over 20 years of investment experience trading commodities. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleManiford - Booth 23 classfloorLogo booth23 Our goal is to provide you with the ultimate trading experience. We39re passionate about online trading, constantly innovating and looking to improve the way our clients invest in financial markets. We aim to provide tight spreads regardless of market volatility, delivering competitive and reliable pricing. We offer attractive spreads right across our product range, from 0.7 points on EURUSD, 1 point on key indices like the UK 100 and Germany 30, and 0.3 points on Gold. Our margin rates start from 0.2 for forex and indices, 0.5 for commodities and 3 for shares. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleCMC Markets - Booth 24 classfloorLogo booth24 We are a premium broker solutions provider, dedicated to delivering a wide array of innovative solutions and services that enable Forex brokers and financial institutions to minimize risk and maximize brokerrsquos profit. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleLeverate - Booth 25 classfloorLogo booth25 Approach your traders with the highest quality trading education, market research and signals which will build tradersrsquo confidence to trade in Forex CFDs and Binary Options. Our team comprises a group of professionals in the field of marketing, education, video production and translation. Since 2007 we have developed the most robust and diverse educational platform out there. Years of experience and development have led us to the point where we can provide Forex and Binary Options companies a tailored solution that will dramatically boost the companyrsquos performance. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleMTE - Media - Booth 26 classfloorLogo booth26 Finotec is a fin-tech company offering services to clients since 1998 and FCA regulated since 2007. We offer True Price Liquidity and Brokerage services. Whether you are just starting a new FX business, developing an existing one or looking for a risk management solution - working with recognized FX broker experts is key. With extensive experience in both Risk Book brokerage and Orders Execution, Finotec has the knowledge, expertise and capabilities to build solutions that maximize the profitability ofits clientsrsquo business. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFinotec - Booth 27 classfloorLogo booth27 With a US100 million capital behind it, Divisa Capital is poised to aggressively expand its institutional liquidity business having already established itself as the brokerage of choice for a diverse range of institutional and professional clients. With major upcoming bilateral relationships with prime brokers, Divisas status as a strong global multi-asset prime broker will be established beyond doubt. With offices in 4 countries, services ranging from Institutional liquidity to prime brokerage to FX treasury services, Divisa Capital is simply the right choice. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDivisa - Booth 28 classfloorLogo booth28 UFX is committed to creating the most comfortable trading environment coupled with the finest trading conditions. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleUFX - Booth 29 classfloorLogo booth29 With a focus on continual innovation and in-depth understanding of the retail FX market, Gold-i helps brokers to manage their risk more effectively and become more profitable. Demand for Gold-i products, backed up by exceptional 24x7 service, has helped our business to go from strength to strength. Based in Guildford, 20 miles south of London, at the Surrey Technology Centre, Gold-i employs a team of developers, quality assurance personnel and IT operations specialists to both service existing customers and build and develop new products. All new products go through rigorous testing before release to give brokers and banks the assurance they need so that they can get on with their core business without costly interruption. Gold - relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGold-i - Booth 30 classfloorLogo booth30 Sucden Financial (HK) Limited is the Hong Kong subsidiary of Sucden Financial Limited, a leading international derivatives broker The firm is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC, number ASE480) to trade futures and options and leveraged foreign exchange. The firm also trades bullion directly for clients and acts as an introducing broker to the parent company. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSucden Financial - Booth 31 classfloorLogo booth31 SpotOption was established in 2010, and is a leading trading technology provider. SpotOption has a multi-platform solution for derivative trading instruments such as derivative Options, Forex, CFDs, and Ladder. Staffing over 250 employees, including top programmers, developers, and designers, SpotOption has branches in the UK, Hong Kong, and the Middle East. SpotOption has clientele around the globe, including Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, and Latin America. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSpotOption - Booth 32 classfloorLogo booth32 We are consisted of the members who have developed financial systems such as FX and CFD and conducted consultation in the field for almost 10 years in Japan. As a matter of fact, the Japan market is the number one in the world in the FX industry, and we have survived the competition with competitors in such a background. Our goal is to go fetch the market in the world by exporting the experiences of market growth nourished in Japan, know-how to acquire customers, and the cutting-edge system. As its first stage, as for development, a total of 90 people as staff have been working on off-shore development in Hanoi, Vietnam in Southeast Asia. This is because the balance of the statistical data of the population relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleNextop - Booth 33 classfloorLogo booth33 Swissquote Bank, the Swiss leader in online banking, has over 220,000 customer accounts providing private clients, corporations, asset managers and institutions from more than 100 countries with a broad range of financial products and services, including Trading, Forex, ePrivate Banking and Savings. Swissquote Bank provides institutions technology white label solutions and direct liquidity on over 100 currency pairs, precious metals and CFDs available by voice and electronically through our award-winning proprietary or 3 rd party trading technologies. Swissquote Group currently employs over 500 staff and also has offices in Dubai, London, Malta and Hong Kong to serve customers in over 120 countries. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSwissquote Bank - Booth 34 classfloorLogo booth34 TechFinancials is an end-to-end Binary, Simplified Forex and CFDs technology provider, offering premium trading solutions to a global clientele. Since 2009, TechFinancialsrsquo powerful platform has delivered a user-friendly trading experience geared to the mass market. We offer tailored, innovative mobile and web trading solutions, suitable for brokers of all sizes and levels of industry experience. Our complete, scalable solution includes a backend, frontend, trading instruments and supporting services, allowing brands to offer industry-leading trading platforms under their own brand. TechFinancials is a public company, listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM, with offices in Hong Kong, Israel, Cyprus, Ukraine and Japan. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTechFinancials - Booth 35 classfloorLogo booth35 TechFinancials is an end-to-end Binary, Simplified Forex and CFDs technology provider, offering premium trading solutions to a global clientele. Since 2009, TechFinancialsrsquo powerful platform has delivered a user-friendly trading experience geared to the mass market. We offer tailored, innovative mobile and web trading solutions, suitable for brokers of all sizes and levels of industry experience. Our complete, scalable solution includes a backend, frontend, trading instruments and supporting services, allowing brands to offer industry-leading trading platforms under their own brand. TechFinancials is a public company, listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM, with offices in Hong Kong, Israel, Cyprus, Ukraine and Japan. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTechFinancials - Booth 36 classfloorLogo booth36 AFX Group offers trading and investment services in multiple languages throughout the world. We allow investors to access a range of markets and trade various financial instruments, including forex, indices, equities, bonds, and commodities. Moreover, we offer cutting-edge trading platforms, comprehensive trading tools, advanced educational resources, the latest financial news and much more. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleAFX Group - Booth 37 classfloorLogo booth37 AvaTrade has been an innovative pioneer in online trading since 2006. The company was created as a combined effort of financial professionals and experts in web-commerce with the goal of perfecting the online experience for retail traders. Our Vision AvaTrade is committed to empowering people to invest and trade, with confidence, in an innovative and reliable environment supported by best-in-class personal service and uncompromising integrity. Our Values AvaTrade is dedicated to a set of core values that defines our relationships with customers and partners, and guides every decision we take. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleAvaTrade - Booth 38 classfloorLogo booth38 Panda Trading Systems specializes in developing superior brokerage technologies for the online trading industry. The companys mission is to make online trading an easier, more integrated experience, for traders and brokers alike. With over a decades worth of industry expertise, today Panda serves many of the worldrsquos leading brokers with its suite of fully customizable all-in - one solutions and boutique-style support, allowing them to streamline their operations and empowering them to focus their resources on growth. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePanda Trading Systems - Booth 39 classfloorLogo booth39 Panda Trading Systems specializes in developing superior brokerage technologies for the online trading industry. The companys mission is to make online trading an easier, more integrated experience, for traders and brokers alike. With over a decades worth of industry expertise, today Panda serves many of the worldrsquos leading brokers with its suite of fully customizable all-in - one solutions and boutique-style support, allowing them to streamline their operations and empowering them to focus their resources on growth. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePanda Trading Systems - Booth 40 classfloorLogo booth40 We established the world39s first financial spread betting company in 1974, and have been a market leader ever since. IG is part of IG Group Holdings Plc, a member of the FTSE 250 with a market cap of pound2.9 billion.2 We are a globally successful business with offices in 15 countries and over 152,600 active clients worldwide, and a net annual trading revenue of pound456.3 million.1 We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), register number 195355 (IG Markets Limited) and 114059 (IG Index Limited). relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleIG - Booth 41 classfloorLogo booth41 TRADOLOGIC is the worldrsquos leading binary options platform provider, offering cutting-edge solutions which reinvent the online financial trading and gaming industries. We manage the largest IT Development Center in the binary industry. Our development team is focused on strengthening the success of our partnersrsquo businesses by providing innovative and stable technological environment for their operations. To constantly be at the front of the industryrsquos innovation, TRADOLOGIC employs top IT professionals with relevant background and extensive professional expertise who can deliver superior service. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTradolgic - Booth 42 classfloorLogo booth42 relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleCreate Trader - Booth 43 classfloorLogo booth43 Forexware offers software solutions and technology for larger firms, institutions and small firms. Forexware offers tier 1 liquidity and allows hedge funds and brokerage firms access to non-bank liquidity providers around the world. Our ForexStarterKit helps small businesses build up their customer base and Forexware offers white label solutions that allow our clients to provide easy, flexible Forex trading solutions to their customers with advanced dealing and risk management capabilities. Our white label offerings are designed for financial institutions that can hold funds on behalf of their clients and offer a full suite of powerful, efficient and easy to manage FX trading solutions with risk management and back-office solutions. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleForexWare - Booth 44 classfloorLogo booth44 LarsonampHolz conducts the business through the chain of representatives that act according the franchises license and regulatory environment of the country of registration. Advanced technologies of XXI century for the traders. Automatic online systems of deposit and withdrawal. Markets execution with no requites. Non deposit accounts etc. Market spreads from 0,1 pips and the excellent execution. The additional options for the professionals - Islamic accounts, fx programs and etc. We are always open for the novel ideas and constantly improving our services. The target of the Development thrust is creation the most comfortable conditions for the XXIst century traders. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleLarsonHolz - Booth 45 classfloorLogo booth45 Abu Dhabi-based ADS Securities provides sophisticated forex, bullion and commodities trading solutions to institutional and private investors. Institutional clients include banks, global and regional hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks and non-bank financial institutions. These are equally split between Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Private clients range from individual private traders through to experienced business people managing both personal and family assets. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleADS Securities - Booth 46 classfloorLogo booth46 We specialise in FX, and we design and deliver mobile apps, web widgets, advanced charting and premium trading UIs for brokers and banks. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleMobile Trading Partners - Booth 47 classfloorLogo booth47 Finance Magnates (formerly: Forex Magnates) is the worldrsquos only multi-asset onlineelectronic trading knowledge hub. Utilizzando un potente triangolo di notizie, ricerche ed eventi, Finanza Magnati rivolge letteralmente alle esigenze di tutto il settore commerciale globale. Founded in 2009 by Michael Greenberg, and initially focused on the Forex B2B sphere, Finance Magnates offers a one-of - a-kind knowledge opportunity for industry professionals and trading savvies alike. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleFinance Magnates - Booth 48 classfloorLogo booth48 Established in 2010 we operate on an international scale with offices in Dubai, Hong Kong, Limassol and Shanghai. We are privileged to have a highly talented and dynamic work force in all key departments, made up of top industry professionals, covering 19 nationalities. PrimeXM provides true institutional technology solutions to FX brokers, banks, liquidity providers, hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, asset managers and so on. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePrimeXM - Booth 49 classfloorLogo booth49 Software and CRM experts Hello Group have created Hello Diamonds with the idea of sourcing the best precious stones from around the globe. Connected to 7000 manufacturers, the platform offers over 800,000 live diamonds in a single portal. Users have the ability to purchase and resell diamonds at the click of a button, with the option of storing their stones in an ultra-secure vault, or opting for a home delivery. Welcome to the future of diamond trading. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleHello-Group - Booth 50 classfloorLogo booth50 relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titlePROFTIT - Booth 51 classfloorLogo booth51 As Saxo helped drive the revolutions that shifted the business time and again, it has always been energised by the same notion that moves us today. Saxo strives to facilitate multi-asset investment and trading by providing access to global financial markets, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading expertise. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSAXO Bank - Booth 52 classfloorLogo booth52 As Saxo helped drive the revolutions that shifted the business time and again, it has always been energised by the same notion that moves us today. Saxo strives to facilitate multi-asset investment and trading by providing access to global financial markets, cutting-edge technologies, and industry-leading expertise. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSAXO Bank - Booth 53 classfloorLogo booth53 Z Trade is the global brand of the GMO CLICK Group. GMO CLICK is a market leader and deep liquidity pool in the Japanese FX Market, we are recognised as the World39s Largest Retail Forex Provider by Volume, and has been for 4 consecutive years since 2012. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleZ - Booth 54 classfloorLogo booth54 Zotapay has simplified the process down to one application and one integration. With flawless synergy between Gateway and CRM technologies, Zotapay connects online merchants with the widest coverage of global and local payment solutions available in the market. Zotapay fills a void in the industry, a payment provider and gateway technology offering such an extensive selection of acquiring banks, financial institutions, e-Wallets and alternative methods to such a wide range of merchants with a smooth and manageable underwriting process. Zotapay presents one unified gateway hub opening merchants to a world of limitless payment solutions, simplifying payment-processing altogether. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleZotaPay - Bitcoin Stand - Booth 55 classfloorLogo booth55 Doo Holding Group Limited, established in 2014, as a professional partner for serving financial institutions, provides a full set of spot forex trading and binary options solutions through our MT4 softwares, CRM systems, Wechat trading system and others39 self-inventing systems. Now we are finding a VC partner to expand our business. Welcome to contact with us. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDoo Holding - Booth 56 classfloorLogo booth56 Brokeree Solutions specializes in high quality MetaTrader 4 and 5 solution development and platform servicing for Forex Brokerages. We are to assist Forex Brokerages by providing technological solutions and services that make our clients and partners perfectly contented and allow them to run their business more effectively. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBrokeree Solutions - Booth 57 classfloorLogo booth57 GKPro Financial Services Ltd is a global, UK based and FCA regulated online Forex trading company. GKPro offers advanced online FX, CFD and commodity brokerage platforms and services to traders globally. Our mission is to put integrity and quality of service to the forefront of our business. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGKPro - Booth 58 classfloorLogo booth58 DinarDirham is a global FinTech company with offices in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and soon in Dubai, providing online and physical gold, forex and metal investment solutions worldwide. With over 10 years of forex trading platform development, DinarDirham is built as a decentralized gold and forex investment platform, using the latest technologies to provide transparency, reliability and security. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDinarDirham - Booth 59 classfloorLogo booth59 At Stater Global Markets, we have the access, the experience and the know-how to deliver the solution you need. Our principals have many decades of institutional and brokerage experience building the relationships that count. We have the advantage of being well backed financially and we do not have assets that can add risk or detract from giving clients a focused offering: No proprietary risk taken (Stater Global Markets has an FCA Matched Principal licence) Not part of a larger retail franchise No proprietary IT team or software. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleStater Global Markets - Booth 60 classfloorLogo booth60 The members of LEANWORK have been working in foreign exchange trading industry for decades. Darren, the founder of LEANWORK, used to work for IFX Market, Boston Technologies, and was the co-founder of FOREXPRESS. Darren has a deep understanding and an insightful view on financial market. The core technical team at LEANWORK has working background of Internet giant and famous financial Institution such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Tecent. LEANWORK is growing faster and has received A-round venture capital. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleLEANWORK - Booth 61 classfloorLogo booth61 Broctagon was founded on the belief that the Binary Options industry was in an evident need for a better binary options trading platform. One that was more comprehensive, sophisticated and secured. Capable of aiding traders in realizing their full potential. Bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleBroctagon Solutions - Booth 62 classfloorLogo booth62 Grand Capital has been providing financial, educational and brokerage services since 2006. We actively participate in major financial exhibitions to keep up with latest market trends. Grand Capital Ltd. is registered in 106 Premier Building Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles with reg. no. 036046. To see our licenses and certificates please visit this page. At the moment Grand Capital has offices in Europe and Asia. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGrand Capital - Booth 63 classfloorLogo booth63 Alain Pellier and Romain Gandon leave Londonrsquos trading floors to establish TRADING CENTRAL in Paris in 1999. Since then, the research house has seen rapid development and continuous growth. In 2000, Anvar (French government agency for research promotion) awarded its innovative company label to TRADING CENTRAL for the quality of its proprietary research models. TRADING CENTRALrsquos Added Value was quickly recognized by the best in the business. today more than 200 financial institutions in 45 countries trust TRADING CENTRAL. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTrading Central - Booth 64 classfloorLogo booth64 Global eSolutions (HK) Limited (ldquoGESrdquo) is a global leading provider dedicated in financial technologies for more than 10 years. GES empowers financial institutions with algo-trading capability, advanced risk management and FIX bridging solutions. GES fully covers the needs of the on-floor trading and OTC markets, with value-added services ranging from IT technical support, system integration, bespoke software and network infrastructure development to hosting services. With GES technologies, financial institutions are able to overcome the challenges of risk management, position management, liquidity source and trading across different financial instruments in a single platform. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleGlobal eSolutions - Booth 65 classfloorLogo booth65 National Bullion House provides physical trading activities for precious metals, mainly gold. We adapt technological innovations in providing an online market. We offer efficient services, flexible charges, reliable custodian of purchases, investment strategy consultation, and a professional guiding team. We make buying precious metals a trouble-free transaction. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleNational Bullion House - Booth 66 classfloorLogo booth66 Forex Development Corporation (ldquoFDCrdquo) is a US based, fully integrated forex service provider that delivers FX prime brokerage solutions to forex market participants looking to access the retail and institutional spot forex markets. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleForex Development Corporation - Booth 67 classfloorLogo booth67 The SafeCharge International Group Limited is a global provider of payments services, technologies and risk management solutions for online and mobile businesses. Established in 2007 the Group is a leader in advanced payment technologies. The Group has a diversified, blue chip client base and is a trusted payment partner for customers from various e-commerce verticals. With a history in innovation, the Company employs proprietary technologies and methodologies to service a stable and growing merchant client base. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSafeCharge - Booth 68 classfloorLogo booth68 TactiClicks allows any brand, brokerage or master affiliate to build their own custom branded and fully operational affiliate network within 24 hours. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTactiClicks - Booth 69 classfloorLogo booth69 D2M Limited is a brokerage that continually striving to provide a client-friendly, totally interactive Forex experience by always look to innovate and take advantage of the latest technology. With high-speed, superior level of customer support and low spreads from 0.4 pips, D2M is surely your best trading partner. An A-1 Liquidity Provider regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We offer services on a B to B basis with tight spreads, better quality and wide range of liquidity in the market. Low Latency, Tailored Pricing and Global Connectivity are our advantages. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleD2M Limited - Booth 70 classfloorLogo booth70 K. Treppides ampamp Co offers global licensing and post licensing services in EU and non-EU jurisdictions with presence in HK, London, Malta, Nicosia and Limassol. It specializes in advising globally investment firms, PSPs and funds involved in FOREXBinaryCFDs for structuring, compliance, risk management, tax optimization, accounting and audit inter alia. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleK. Treppides Co Ltd - Booth 71 classfloorLogo booth71 A Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) is an issuance of securities (AAA to B) and an equity tranche backed by the cash flows from a diversified pool of senior secured corporate bank loans. CDOs are structured with a re-investment period, allowing the CDO Manager to actively buy and sell assets, subject to asset quality covenants for a period of 3-5 years. The return paid to the equity holders is the difference between the current yield on the underlying assets and the financing cost of the issued notes. The integration of the CDO platform and its rigorous investment and risk management processes focused solely on CDOs provides investors with unique investment opportunities. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleMcQua - Booth 72 classfloorLogo booth72 ldquoQubePay is a global provider of secure online payment solutions, whose success is built on core values of innovation, commitment, passion and trust. We aim to provide innovative payment solutions which allow smart, secure and easy operations to enable our merchants to grow and excel in the rapidly evolving commerce markets. rdquo relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleQubePay - Booth 73 classfloorLogo booth73 VoiceSpin aims to bridge the gap between companies and clients through easy to use communication systems that enhance collaboration, communication and facilitate critical business aspects. Our goal is to simplify companies communication with open source VoIP solutions that enhance collaboration, both internally and with customers, and provide a seamless process for all telephone communication needs. At VoiceSpin we believe in the importance of tailoring our solutions to our clients needs and understanding the dynamic industries in which they operate that is why we are constantly upgrading and improving our communication solutions. We ensure that the evolving demands of our clients are continuously met and surpassed. By providing simp relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleVoicespin - Booth 74 classfloorLogo booth74 Seabury Global Markets owns, invests in and partners with emerging financial technology companies such as FXone, Spotex and Noble in order to manage eFX and gold execution workflow within one solution. Noble is a next-generation bank, enabling clients to clear, net, and settle Spot FX and OTC transactions in real-time. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleSeabury Global Markets - Booth 75 classfloorLogo booth75 Tradespot is a software development company that specializes in high-performance platforms for binary options and Forex. We offer full business solution that allows to enter the industry under your own brand: bull White Labels bull Web, Desktop (winmaclinux), IOS, Android bull CRM Sales CRM bull Affiliate program software. relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleTradespot - Booth 76 classfloorLogo booth76 relpopover data-placementtop data-original-titleDing Hong Yang Investment Management Co.,LTD - Booth 77 classfloorLogo booth77 Media Sponsors Free Registration Please note registration is now closed. If you would like to register please come to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre within the below date and times. 22 February 08:00-17:00 Registration Area at HKCEC 23 February 09:00-16:00 Registration Area at HKCEC Please follow the iFX EXPO Asia signs to locate the event. Testimonials The iFX team is formed by dedicated experts, demonstrating high levels of professionalism, unique personal approach and brilliant customer care. Our close cooperation has always been steady and successful, leading to profits for both parties I was very impressed with iFX-Expo, which is by far the leading conference in the finance industry. As a company which participates consistently in these events, we always get to see a positive ROI on our investment and a truly added value to our business. Participating in the events is always a great opportunity for us to meet with our colleagues in the field, to create business partnerships and create new relationships with potential customers. The conference itself is organized in the most professional way, from planning to operating, allowing us, the presenters, to focus on the main event. We enjoyed our experience in the event and were looking forward to our next participation. Its an honor to present MTEs innovations and services in the event which gather the entire industry in one place. I believe that the IFX Expo is indeed the best B2B expo in the industry.164 Fixed spreads are offered in Rakuten FX account during at least 95 of the monthly core-time period (8am to 2am HKT of every trading day). spread prime, che si riferiscono alle citazioni dirette ricevute da fornitori di liquidità, sono offerti in conto Trading Station. Spreads shown above and in our website are for reference only and are not guaranteed and may widen beyond the average spreads depending the market volatility, especially during extremely low liquidity, news event or public holiday. Please always refer to the trading platforms for the most updated spreads. 606 Order execution rate is calculated from 9,043 of AS Streaming and Streaming trading orders in 10k order size with 1 pip slippage setting in the period between Aug 1 to 25, 2016 167 Rakuten Securities HK offers Trading Station platform through its partner FXCM. 8251 La commissione è addebitato per lato il commercio sia libero scambio (s) e vicino del commercio (s). All the commission fees may be subject to change from time to time without prior notice. Si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla pianificazione più aggiornata di tasse e tariffe standard. Gli spread prime indicate nel presente documento sono solo di riferimento. Si riferisce alle citazioni dirette ricevute da fornitori di liquidità, si potrebbe oscillare a seconda delle circostanze di mercato. Si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla piattaforma di trading per gli spread prime più aggiornati. Note: USDOLLAR does not offered with the new commission structure and it continues to be offered with mark up. Per salvaguardare il vostro conto di trading Rakuten Securities HKS, i clienti sono altamente raccomandati per cambiare la password regolarmente e impostare una password forte. Rakuten Securities di Hong Kong Limited (Rakuten Securities HK SFC Numero CE: AIM232) è una consociata interamente controllata di Rakuten Securities, Inc. () Rakuten Securities, Inc. uno dei principali broker online in Giappone, fondata nel 1999, è una filiale di Rakuten, Inc. (TOKYO: 4755). Il rischio di perdita in leveraged trading in valuta estera può essere notevole. You may not be suitable as you may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Leverage can work against you. Ordini contingenti, come la stop-loss o gli ordini stop-limit, non necessariamente limitare le perdite a importi previsti. Le condizioni di mercato possono rendere impossibile l'esecuzione di tali ordini. Si può essere chiamato a breve termine per depositare fondi margine aggiuntivo. Se i fondi necessari non sono forniti entro il termine stabilito, la vostra posizione può essere liquidata. Si continuerà a essere responsabile per eventuali deficit nel tuo account. Si dovrebbe pertanto valutare attentamente se tale trading è adatto alla luce della vostra posizione finanziaria e di investimento obiettivi. Non speculare con il capitale che non si può permettere di perdere. If you decide to trade products offered by Rakuten Securities HK, you must read and understand the information and disclosure provided by Rakuten Securities HK. Rakuten Securities HK may provide general commentary which is not intended as investment advice and must not be construed as such. Chiedere il parere di un consulente finanziario indipendente. Rakuten Securities HK and Rakuten Group assumes no liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions does not warrant the accuracy, completeness of information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials. Read and understand the Terms and Conditions on Rakuten Securities HKs website prior to taking further action. Sicurezza delle informazioni su Internet: Per salvaguardare la privacy, non accedere al tuo account di trading via computer pubblico o condiviso o salvare la password localmente in ogni computer o dispositivo mobile dopo l'accesso Rakuten Securities HK non ti chiederà mai di inviare le tue informazioni personali. come il numero di conto e la password per noi direttamente via e-mail. () Ditta ID di registrazione (in Giappone): Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Strumenti finanziari Aziende) No.195 Copyright 2017 copia Rakuten Securities di Hong Kong Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati.

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